Radical Takes on ‘Reality’ - Introduction

Radical Takes on ‘Reality’ - Introduction

Unless you are a fully awake and enlightened being, reality is not what you think it is. Far from it…

In your ignorance, your understanding of life is upside down and backwards. That’s because all the advice you’ve ever had comes from an ignorant society. You are told a relationship will make you happy, material success will bring you joy, running yourself into the ground for your fancy car and holidays will serve your inner peace. Are you finding this to be true? Are you still excited by these programmed-into-your-mind things you’re supposed to want?

 If so, fine, read no further. Enjoy your toys. But one day you will find that none of them has the capacity to bring you the permanent peace and happiness that your soul craves. Nothing outside yourself ever could.

If you’ve already concluded that “There must be a better way”, you’re in good company. More and more of us are questioning our conditioning and are developing an appetite to find more personal authenticity.

When I became disenchanted with the teaching of the world, I decided to find out a few things for myself. Seven years and a PhD later, I discovered something fundamentally important.

You can NOT leave behind the conventional worldview that keeps you in so much fear without INSIGHTS. You must have your own personal experience of waking up from the hypnotic dream of the world in which you find yourself, the one that keeps you blind to the Truth.

Aha moments have the power to wake you up to the highest revelation: the Truth of who you are and what the world is.
