Aha Moments of the Subtle Energy Body


Mystical traditions recognize that we don’t just have a gross, physical body but a non-physical, subtle one. Like two sides of a coin, we can’t think of them as separate. The chakras in India or the meridians in China represent this subtle energy that flows in and around the body, connecting not only with other bodies but with the energy field of the whole cosmos. Each chakra is like a human bio-computer that emits and receives its own frequency of vibration. Frequency is low when a chakra is blocked with emotional debris and this, in turn, weakens the whole physical body. Whatever is blocked physically is blocked energetically and vice versa, so it’s very important to understand the impact of emotions on subtle energy body.

 Emotions are supposed to deliver their message then pass through us, not get stuck in us. Animals know this. Whenever a deer is caught in the headlights, fear makes it freeze on the spot, but as soon as the danger passes, the deer shakes its body all over. It is shaking off the trauma, getting rid of all the chemicals that flooded its system in the moment of fear. Like the dumb humans that we are, we never shake it off. We store it up. Every time we deny or resist our fear we add to the storehouse until hell freezes over in our body. These painful feelings have not been able to naturally complete their Gestalt and flow right through us. Who’s the dumb animal then?

 When painful feelings have been contacted and cleared, the way is open for the subtle energy body to lift its vibration. Heart-based insights open the heart chakra whose value is universal love:

 “I feel it in my heart. It’s physical. I feel whole and at peace with myself. I’m not sure I can describe it any better than that”. (N.M., client).

 When this heart energy channel is opened, you give and receive love and peace. Open chakra systems mean inner and outer energies combine to connect your mind and body, your self and others, and your source energy.

 “Sometimes there is also a ‘hit’ in my throat.” (B.C., client)

Aha moments felt in the throat are like hearing an “inner voice”, an intuition from your higher consciousness. The throat chakra acts like a bridge between the heart and the mind, enabling what’s in your heart or mind to be expressed in words. Opening the throat chakra can allow you to express what you’ve been holding back for years:

 “I had a lump in my throat as I tried to describe the enormity of my “AHA” moment!” (S.L., client)

 We may call it subtle, but the effects of clearing emotional blocks in the throat chakra can be anything but subtle, bringing powerful energy and positivity:

 “I feel positive – energized and sure. Almost like hearing an inner voice”. (M.M., client)

 As you come to acknowledge and accept your emotional body, you are no longer held hostage to painful emotions. Paradoxically you discover that the places where you try to hide away your pain are the very places that could provide peace and joy, when you open to them:

 “I know I will find a of sense of calm excitement in my stomach. I go there when I need to feel powerful” (C.G., client)

 The stomach and solar plexus represent the ego identity, the sense of self-esteem and feelings of power, control and freedom. You can take back control and free yourself with knowledge of your energy centres:

 “I have learned how to dissolve and evaporate the knots of fear and frustration in my solar plexus and head” (S.L., client)

 Optimal energy flow affects the whole system, body, mind and spirit:

 “My spirit, sense of self and inner confidence – it’s a mix of mind, body and spirit – like re-emerging from a deep sleep”. (J.W., client)

 Practices for Your Energy Body

 Set your own energy body free by getting to know what’s in the vibration of your own chakras and find where your power lies.

 Start with opening your heart. These guided meditations will help enormously:


 Now prepare for Aha moments big and small throughout your body.

Body Aha Moments Motivate Action

Aha Moments of Presence