What is Aha Integral Coaching?

Aha Integral Coaching is designed to not just change your life but completely transform it. This begins with insights into the nature of your mind and is therefore a psychological approach. It ends in remembrance of the Spirit that you are. This psycho-spiritual way of working locks in insights from spiralling levels of realisation from body to mind to soul, culminating in the palpable re-connection to Spirit that marks the biggest Aha of all - Self realisation.

“Aha!” can be like an epiphany when it comes to the intimacy of the coaching alliance. Finally, a relationship that takes me beyond my story and invites ALL of me to reveal itself!

A Typical Client

You’re achieving material “success” but you’re not truly happy. Lurking behind the smile you show to the world rumbles a vague feeling or unease, discontent, restlessness, agitation, a sense of “Is this all there is?” The good news is, it’s not.

You can expect the Aha Integral Coaching (AIC) approach to:

  • provide a safe, loving and courageous space for you to come to know yourself.

  • help you to figure out your life purpose based on your unique passions and values.

  • be a champion, a challenger, a mentor, a supporter who will hold you up when you feel small, and remind you of who you really are.

  • help you WAKE UP to the realisation that you possess everything you need right now to transform your life. No more self development but Self revelation!


Why is it here now?

Aha Integral Coaching resulted from my own academic study. Traditional therapies favour either talking therapies or cognitive/behavioural changes or transpersonal psychology or energy work. They’re clearly not working, as evidenced in the alarming rise of anxiety, depression, self-harming and suicide. I felt obliged to do my own research to find out what really works when people want to transform their experience of life to become abidingly happy and fulfilled.

My research yielded some fascinating and totally unexpected results. Bottom line: to transform, you must wake up to the wisdom of your mind, body and spirit; and you must grow up in order to reveal and express your authentic, unique self. You can analyse your ego mind all you like but analysis is paralysis. The best thing talking therapies can do for you is make your ego stories a little more tolerable for a while.

INsight, on the other hand, helps you rise above your ego. It wakes you up to your own inner, intuitive depths and your own intrinsic values and talents. Without insight, you will always have a child-like dependence on the beliefs and demands of others. To grow up is to trust your own inner knowing because you’ve experienced it for yourself. You know it first hand.

Aha Integral Coaching treats you like the whole person you are. You are creative, resourceful and whole. You don’t need fixing, you simply need support to wake up to all you already possess. You wake up by the grace of insights that resonate throughout your body and mind until you ascend to Spirit.


What does AIC do for you?

  • Aha moments deliver your vision with great clarity while coaching supplies you with the tools to achieve your goals.

  • Insights bring the self-awareness needed to control your own mind, body and emotions. You free yourself up to think, act and feel in completely new ways.

  • Releasing old habits of mind and body enables you to vibrate at a higher level of consciousness which attracts new people and events into your life.

  • You find more contentment in yourself and deeper connection with others.

  • Your life flows as you build trust that you are loved and sustained by the source of Life itself.
