Waking Up and Growing Up

I spent many years looking to the outside world for answers it failed to provide. After multiple degrees in Psychology and qualifications in Co-Active Coaching, NeuroLinguistic programming, Emotional Freedom therapy among others, I still burned with the question: what is the secret of not just changing but permanently transforming our lives?

My abiding fascination was the Aha moment of insight, the light-bulb moment of recognition. But after years of studying the literature I discovered that it was poorly researched and poorly understood. There was only one thing to do…a PhD on the Aha moment of Insight.

Thanks to my PhD research I learned two key components of transformational change. Firstly, permanent change is impossible without insight. In fact you don’t even know who you are and what you want until Aha moments awaken your authentic self, the one you’ve hidden beneath all the brainwashing and people-pleasing.

Secondly, transformational change results from working integrally with clients. This means we connect to all of who you are: the bits you know about, the bits you’ve hidden and the bits you didn’t even know were there. Integrating it means living it, not just knowing about it intellectually. It has to be absorbed and allowed to settle so that your identity switches from ego based mind to Big Mind.

This living from heart and mind, body and soul, leads to self-trust and self-transcendence.

As you transcend your ego mind, you touch into a different internal energy field that offers the wisdom and Intuition you forgot you had! This is how you grow up.

Waking up + Growing up = Freedom and confidence to be and to express the whole of YOU.

“It’s hard to summarise how profound my experience of coaching has been. The short version - it has changed my life”

- Holly
After 6 months of working with Leigh
I am reborn

- Gary
“I see myself as much more in charge of my life and have more confidence as a result. I used to allow myself to be swept along by life, now I design my life to make me happy. It’s having a fabulous ripple effect on those around me, especially those closest to me”

- Helen

“It is not an exaggeration to say that my whole life has transformed as a result of this most insightful coaching. I started off wanting support to clarify and achieve my goals. In the process of coaching I got to know myself for the first time and with this knowledge has come self-acceptance and self-love. I have not only achieved all my goals but I have learned how to be unconditionally happy with me”

- Richard