What Colour are YOUR Glasses?


Donald Trump’s language is very childish. He says out loud the kind of things that most of us keep to ourselves. He accused the London mayor of having done a “terrible job” and being “very dumb”, “incompetent” and “a stone cold loser”. The problem is that many of us have other, less judgmental, more evolved, more loving and accepting levels of thinking as well as this childish part. This is why we feel justified in judging him very harshly, as if we would never stoop so low. We disown this ‘red’ part of us and see it ‘out there’ in the Donald Trumps of the world.

The president wears a set of red glasses, a way of filtering the world that reflects his beliefs and feelings, his level of consciousness. From birth, each of us follows a universal way of unfolding our potentials. Picture it like a flight of steps that is laid out before us; we ascend these steps as we grow and evolve. We must stand on each step without skipping any of them.

Trump got to the red step and pretty much got stuck there. The red glasses see a power driven, dog-eat-dog world where I have to screw you over before you screw me over. If I don’t watch my back, somebody will take what I have, all the toys that make me feel like a big, important boy. This level equates to the toddler who will scream and kick until it gets what it wants. When Yasser Rafat was asked “Where is the centre of the earth”, he replied in true red fashion “Wherever I am”. 

If there’s any red at all in you, if there’s any red residue in me, shouldn’t we stop judging Trump? “Let he who is without sin cast the first stone” and all that? The truth is that he’s trapped in a worldview in which he believes his beliefs. And so do you, you identify with your own beliefs. This keeps us filtering the world, colouring it with our own interpretation. You may be at a mainly blue, rational level of consciousness but this is something that reds, being mostly at a level of consciousness which says “If I don’t get what I want I’ll scream and scream till I’m sick”, i.e., an emotionally -driven pre-rational red can never achieve. Realize this; that Donald Trump is not capable of seeing the world in any other way, so long as he keeps wearing the red glasses.

If you want to learn true empathy, own up to the meanness in you, the competitive thoughts and feelings, the narcissistic need to be right, the desire to manipulate the world to suit you. See the insecurity of red, how horrible it is not to be able to trust the world, to trust other people, to relax and be in the flow of this incredible Life. So have some compassion instead of judgement for the insecure little boy Donald.